Burlingame Location

(650) 697-3200

Daly City Location

(650) 756-2020

San Francisco Location

(415) 362-3364

Cataract Surgery

Have you noticed a change in your vision recently? Blurry vision is often the first sign of cataract development. If you live in or around Daly City, San Francisco, or Burlingame, and you have noticed a decline in your vision, contact our eye doctors at Peninsula Ophthalmology Group to schedule an eye exam. We provide cataract eye surgery along with a wide variety of eye care services.

Eye Surgery

Signs of Cataracts

Cataracts are common in those 50 and over. They occur when proteins build up on the lens of the eye, causing cloudy or blurry vision. In the beginning, cataracts may not be visible in a mirror. However, as they worsen, you may see white spots that look cloudy. Common symptoms of cataracts include:

  • Glares
  • Halos around light
  • Difficulty seeing at night when driving
  • Trouble watching TV or reading
  • Blurry vision

Treating Cataracts

When your vision is not severely impaired, glasses or contact lenses can improve your vision. However, when the corrective lenses are not helping, our eye doctors usually recommend cataract eye surgery to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with an artificial lens. At Peninsula Ophthalmology Group, we offer specialty lenses to our patients throughout the Bay Area.

What to Expect With Cataract Eye Surgery

The surgery is usually performed using local anesthesia with eye drops that numb the surface of your eyes. While you are numb, you will still be awake for the procedure. However, your vision will be extremely blurry. Most patients do not feel pain during the surgery, which takes about 30 minutes. Our eye doctors use a laser to break up and remove the damaged lens. Next, a new lens is placed in the eye. We will discuss post-op instructions to ensure a speedy recovery.

How Long Does It Take to Get Clear Vision?

Generally, your vision will be clearer about two to three months after the eye surgery. If you have any residual farsightedness or nearsightedness, you may still require prescription eyeglasses. During your follow-up visits, our eye doctors will closely track your healing and determine when your vision becomes stable.

Contact Us for Cataract Eye Surgery in San Francisco, CA

At Peninsula Ophthalmology Group, our doctors of ophthalmology will explain more about cataract surgery and answer any questions that you may have. Call our team today at one of our three convenient locations in Daly City, San Francisco, and Burlingame, or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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View Our Hours of Operation By Location

MON-THURS: 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
FRIDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

MON-THURS: 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
FRIDAY: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

MON-THURS: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
FRIDAY: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
